• Benefits of Herbal Medicine

    Benefits of Herbal Medicine0

    1. More Affordable than Conventional Medicine Pharmaceuticals are no exception to the high price tag of modern medical science. People simply can’t afford to pay for their medication month after month, which is why herbal medicine is becoming more popular. A systematic review published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine examined whether natural health products

  • 5 Herbs for Treating Common Allergies

    5 Herbs for Treating Common Allergies0

    Allergies occur when the immune system reacts abnormally to a trigger that is normally harmless to others, resulting in a variety of reactions. Histamines, which cause inflammation and other symptoms, are released during allergic reactions. Antihistamines are frequently prescribed to relieve allergy symptoms, but they can have unfavorable side effects, such as drowsiness. Common Allergies