we’re sure you have heard of intermittent fasting by now, well, if yes, Ramadan is in a way one such form of intermittent fasting. Apart from the celebratory undertones that come along with Ramadan, one must not forget the several health benefits of fasting that have been backed by science. Few of those health benefits
we’re sure you have heard of intermittent fasting by now, well, if yes, Ramadan is in a way one such form of intermittent fasting. Apart from the celebratory undertones that come along with Ramadan, one must not forget the several health benefits of fasting that have been backed by science. Few of those health benefits can be listed as below:
• Fasting removes toxins from your body
• Helps in fighting inflammation
• Improves blood pressure and cholesterol levels
• Nurtures brain function and prevents neurodegenerative disorders
• Promotes weight loss by limiting calorie absorption
• Increases mental wellbeing

However, fasting alone will not keep you fit and healthy. In fact, during this period of drastic change in your eating habits, you will need to pay close attention to your body. This means that you must ensure that you are adequately nourished between Iftar and Suhoor. Here are five more tips for staying strong, healthy, and energetic during a 30-day fast:
1. Never, ever skip Suhoor (pre-dawn meal)
Because you will not get any nutrients during the day from any large or small meals, it is critical to prepare a meal with well-balanced nutrition that includes:
• Complex carbohydrates: These are slow-releasing carbohydrates that help to maintain blood sugar levels and give you a feeling of fullness. Complex carbohydrates include oats, wheat, grains, and lentils.
• High-fiber foods include bran, figs, seeds, potatoes, cereal, dates, vegetables, and fruits, particularly prunes and apricots.
• Protein-rich foods include dairy products such as cheese and yogurt, fish high in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (seabass, shrimp, salmon), meats, and beans such as soybeans.

2. Eat fruits and vegetables every day
Consume at least 7 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, preferably those with a high-water content, such as cucumber, watermelon, papaya, oranges, spinach, or tomatoes. You can either eat them raw or blend them in a juicer and drink them.

3. Make soups as a daily meal for Iftar:
Soups are a good candidate for soothing and warming dishes after a long day of fasting and being on an empty stomach. Soups are easily digested by your body and can provide you with fluids as well as vitamins and minerals. You have the option of having clear soup or a thicker version of the soup, such as chowder or stew.

4. Maintain a high-water intake
Drink at least 8-12 glasses of water per day between Iftar and Suhoor to avoid dehydration during the day. Enough water intake is essential to prevent water depletion in your body, especially since dehydration has a variety of negative effects, such as a constant feeling of fatigue, which regular water intake can alleviate.

5. Workout
• At the beginner level, concentrate on NEAT Movements.
NEAT is an abbreviation for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, which is a state in which calories are burned through simple activities like standing or walking. Standing up can actually burn up to 50 calories per hour. You can also burn calories by walking more throughout the day, aiming for 10,000 to 15,000 steps per day. In fact, fasting has a distinct fat-burning potential, so walking would have a compelling effect on your body as well.

• For beginners to intermediates, concentrate on LISS cardio.
LISS is an abbreviation for Low-Intensity Steady State, which refers to exercises like running and cycling. It’s doable and ideal for fat loss in the hour before breaking the fast, or Iftar. You can do 30-40 minutes of low-intensity exercise, such as a brisk walk or jog outside, or you can use a treadmill at the gym. Start slowly and keep your heart rate below your maximum. Do it safely and confidently, and don’t push yourself beyond your body’s capabilities.

• Intermediate to Advanced: HIIT Training is emphasized.
HIIT is an abbreviation for High-Intensity Interval Training, which is a more intense form of exercise than running and cycling. HIIT for 20 minutes every day during Ramadan is ideal. This should be done in short bursts of 45 seconds of intense exercise followed by 15 seconds of rest. You can get a good workout while burning more calories than LISS and NEAT.
Tip: Just as in the case of LISS Cardio, you are advised to remain within and below your maximum limit. Focus on short, higher-intensity exercises an hour before Iftar to make sure maximum fat burning takes place.

So, as long as you maintain a healthy diet and engage in safe exercise, you can fast safely during Ramadan. Staying healthy during Ramadan will make it a wonderful experience to share with your loved ones, as well as all your Muslim brothers and sisters around the world!
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