• Essential Toolbox List: Must-Have Tools Every Man Needs

    Essential Toolbox List: Must-Have Tools Every Man Needs0

    Every man and woman, regardless of living situation or field of interest, should have a set of basic tools at home. Yes, there’s TaskRabbit and contractors-for-hire, but you’re going to have to hammer a nail, tighten a screw, or put together a piece of IKEA furniture on your own at some point, whether it’s due

  • Table Manners

    Table Manners0

    Table manners are the rules of etiquette used while eating, which may also include the use of utensils. Napkin Etiquette Place the napkin in your lap as soon as you sit down at a casual meal. Wait for the hostess to remove her napkin from the table and unfold it in her lap before unfolding

  • Proper Table Setting Guide

    Proper Table Setting Guide0

    Table settings make a big impression on your guests and customers, and most restaurants follow standard table setting etiquettes so that customers know what to expect when they sit down to eat. As a restaurateur or caterer, you’ll want to know how to properly set your tables for all dining occasions. The following guide provides